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Avatar About Emiliano Stornelli

Senior Researcher and Coordinator of the Mediterranean and Middle East Program at the Italian Atlantic Committee. His main fields of study and interest pertain to the Middle East and Gulf region, NATO partnerships, Transatlantic relations and US foreign policy. He is currently conducting a research project on The Future of Christians in the Greater Middle East.

Libia, tutte le ragioni (e i riflessi) della crisi

La Libia è uno dei focolai d’instabilità più critici della regione mediterranea. Le conseguenze della crisi hanno già investito l’Africa nord-occidentale e le sponde meridionali dell’Europa, Italia in particolare, e costituiscono una grave minaccia alla sicurezza per l’intera comunità internazionale. Per richiamare l’attenzione sui vari temi legati alla stabilizzazione della Libia, il Comitato Atlantico Italiano, in collaborazione con “Abhath” –…

A New Forum for a New Middle East

Providing international politics with a new and concrete platform of cooperation and dialogue, aimed at fostering the adoption of Common Solutions to the Common Challenges affecting the Mediterranean and the Gulf region today. This is the objective of the Mediterranean-Gulf Forum (MGF), a new major international initiative that inaugurated its First Edition in Cagliari (Italy) on Saturday 11 October 2014.…

US-Iran: What Reconciliation?

On 24 November 2013, the signing of the Geneva nuclear deal has been considered from many quarters as the beginning of detente between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Security-wise, the interests of Washington and Tehran may well return to be attuned as they used to be until 1979 and the Iranian exit from the Central Treaty…

The peace process in the current Middle East context

Notwithstanding the mediation efforts being exerted by the US Secretary of State, John Kerry, the ongoing negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians will unlikely deliver a final status agreement and the birth of an actual Palestinian state. The resumption of the peace talks after a 3-year break was hailed with skepticism from the start. According to many analysts of the Middle…


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