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Pompeo is right and the Vatican is wrong on China, Archbishop Viganò says

Di Francesco Bechis and Otto Lanzavecchia

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò endorsed the criticism that US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo addressed to the Holy See over its secretive agreement with China concerning the nomination of bishops. Mr Viganò is a known conservative voice in the Catholic community who has been deeply critical of pope Francis in the past, known for his roles as chief Vatican diplomat…

pell iom paolo vi becchetti

From China to Venezuela, the discussion of Italy's and the Vatican's foreign ministers

Italian foreign policy has a long tradition of keeping in close contact with the Vatican. The two institutions often share interests and objectives, even if they go about them in different manners. This day and age make no exception. Hence, on Thursday, the Italian foreign minister Luigi Di Maio invited the Holy See’s Secretary for Relations with States, Archbishop Paul…

Vatican Hackathon. La Santa Sede diventa un incubatore tecnologico nel segno di Francesco

Di Stefano Cabras

“Come sarebbe bello se alla crescita delle innovazioni scientifiche e tecnologiche corrispondesse anche una sempre maggiore equità e inclusione sociale!”. Questo l’auspicio di Papa Francesco, che alla Ted Conference di Vancouver del 2017 aveva istruito la platea sul ruolo che la tecnologia può giocare nella riduzione delle disuguaglianze. Oggi, nella sala Marconi del Palazzo della Radio Vaticana, si è tenuta…


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