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Chi guiderà il centrodestra?

Enclosed is our snapshot commentary no. 18/2014, dedicated to the center-right’s quest for unity and new leadership. In Policy Sonar’s view, any analogy with Matteo Renzi’s veni, vidi vici is both simplistic and misleading. So far, within the center-right there is no new face in sight: Pavia’s mayor Alessandro Cattaneo was prematurely portrayed as the center-right’s Renzi, but lost second ballots.

Corrado Passera, an outsider, wants to take over as leader of the center-right – but has he got the charisma it takes? Moreover, unlike the PD, the center-right lacks an efficient party organization that spans across the Italian peninsula. In a nutshell: reforming the center-right is no walk in the park, and Renzi may become a palatable option for more and more frustrated center-right voters.

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Francesco Galietti (@galietti82) è ceo di Policy Sonar


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