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Cooperazione fra India e Russia

Some news by Linee strategiche (a narrative of global complexity)


Segnaliamo Rishika Chauhan da Observer Research Foundation, 17 dicembre 2014, Decoding India’s stand on international sanctions. “Addressing Russian President Vladimir Putin and the media last week, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “the character of global politics and international relations is changing. However, the importance of this relationship and its unique place in India’s foreign policy will not change.” Expressed on the sidelines of the 15th Annual India-Russia Summit in New Delhi, Modi’s statement conveyed his intention to enhance cooperation with Russia. (…)”.

Segnaliamo William Chislett da Elcano Royal Institute, 18 dicembre 2014,  Should EU suspend accession’s Turkey accession negotiations ?. “The arrest of Turkish journalists, media executives and even the scriptwriter of a popular television series, ostensibly for ‘forming, leading and being a member of an armed terrorist organisation’, brought a swift rebuke from the European Commission and raised the question of whether Turkey’s EU painfully slow accession negotiations shoud be suspended. (…)”.

Segnaliamo Sudhanshu Tripathi da SAAG, 18 dicembre 2014, Oil politics in West Asia: Concerns for India. “The current tensions in West Asia and the war clouds over the skies of Iraq due to rise of ISIS militants have their roots in the economics of oil resources of the Persian Gulf and the politics of American interests to remain predominant in the region. (…)”.

Segnaliamo Ankit Panda da The Diplomat, 18 dicembre 2014, India’s Indigenous SSBN Begins Sea Trials. “India’s INS Arihant began its sea trials after over a year of delays. (…)”.

Segnaliamo Raghunath A. Mashelkar e Anu Madgavkar da Project-Syndicate, 17 dicembre 2014, Closing India’s Technology Gap. “It is a notable irony that India, which produces solutions to many of the knottiest information-technology problems faced by the world’s largest companies, has benefited little from technological progress. Fortunately for India’s citizens, Prime Minister Narendra Modi intends to change that. (…)”.

Segnaliamo una intervista di Daniel S. Markey dal Council on Foreign Relations, 17 dicembre 2014, Behind Pakistan’s Taliban War. “The Pakistani Taliban, which claimed responsibility for the attack on a Peshawar school that killed more than 140 people, has been expected to strike back against a government offensive in North Waziristan. But the massacre of mostly students was shocking, even for a country as traumatized as Pakistan, says CFR Senior Fellow Daniel Markey.  The military offensive has weakened and dispersed the group, but the campaign also signals the central government’s shortcomings, says Markey. “Pakistan has only a very limited capacity to administer these territories once military operations end,” he says, “and those limits are partly linked to the weak capacity of the state as a whole. (…)”.


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