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Some news by Linee strategiche (a narrative of global complexity)


Michael Lelyveld, RFA – 22 dicembre 2014, China: Economic Pace Slowed in 2014. “The past year may mark a turning point for China’s economy, or merely a downturn after decades of higher growth rates. (…)”.

Ankit Panda, The Diplomat – 23 dicembre 2014, China to “Regulate” Foreign NGOs. “China may pass a national law stifling the operations of foreign NGOs in the country. (…)”.

Gabe Collins, The Diplomat – 23 dicembre 2014, The Fight for China’s Gas Market. “Why Turkmenistan will prevail over Russia as China’s primary pipeline gas supplier. (…)”.

James Pach, The Diplomat – 23 dicembre 2014, What Now for Japan ?. “Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wins reelection, but the policy challenges remain. (…)”.

Harsh V. Pant, The Diplomat – 23 dicembre 2014, Modi Ushers in New Era for India. “An ambitious leader for an increasingly ambitious state. (…).

Prashanth Parameswaran, The Diplomat – 23 dicembre 2014, Indonesia Keen on “Big Brother” Role in ASEAN and Beyond: Official. “The country’s army chief says it wants to play a bigger role in promoting order in Asia. (…)”.




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