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ACTA DIURNA (Asia, Global, USA)

Knowing evolving worlds by Linee strategiche (Istituto fondamentale per la Conoscenza e la Convivenza):

– Japan and Chinese Decision-Making (Charles Douglas Appleton, The Diplomat),

– Private Lending in China: Out of the Shadows? (Susan Finder, The Diplomat),

– PBOC’s Move: Not a Currency War, But Not a Good Sign (Ankit Panda, The Diplomat),

– Asia’s Growth Far From Finished (Anthony Fensom, The Diplomat),

–  Is It Really «New Cold War»? (Michael Jabara Carley, Strategic Culture Foundation),

– OSCE Activities in Post-Soviet Space (Andrey Areshev, Strategic Culture Foundation),

– Is Indonesia Really Open to Joining the TPP? (Prashanth Parameswaran, The Diplomat),

– Baku Paves Bridge To Shanghai (Fuad Huseinzadeh, Eurasia Review),

– Start Of The 2016 US Presidential Race: Who Stands Out? (Mehmet Yegin, JTW),

– Hamiltonian Constitutional Interpretation: In Defense Of Energetic And Limited Government (The Heritage Foundation),


Marco Emanuele’s tweets (@lineestrateg1):

If we quantify the world-of-life we don’t understand it

In linear thinking we mark the defeat of our responsibility as human beings

In linear thinking we are content to exist, believing to live

Knowing is feeling the need to search truth

Knowing reality is the act most responsible of our humanity

In the world there is a dramatic lack of strategy of the human project

The paradox of competitive globalization is that it doesn’t have a global sense

In Mediterranean humanity suffers and dies. The rest are just mediocre words 

– We have to leave the world of quantitative analysis and to re-enter in the world of visionary dialogie


Marco Emanuele’s posts:

– The legacy of the twentieth century (Marco Emanuele),

– Progressed but inhuman (Marco Emanuele),

– Inactivity towards inhuman (Marco Emanuele),

– The political talent (Marco Emanuele),

– Living knowledge (Marco Emanuele),




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