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“In together, out together, adjust together”: Italy defends its role in Afghanistan

Di Otto Lanzavecchia

In an open letter published on Corriere della Sera, Italian defence minister Lorenzo Guerini answered to a host of poignant questions regarding Italian forces in Afghanistan penned by editorialist Franco Venturini on that same newspaper.

The latter had discussed the American retreat from Afghanistan – strongly wanted by president Donand Trump, to be completed by May 2021 – amidst increasing tensions in the territory, including a rise in Taliban attacks on national forces and ISIS attacks on the Taliban. This is happening in the wake of a US-Taliban peace agreement brokered last February, which laid the foundation for the Americans’ retreat.

“Is it normal that no plan is being announced with regards to international forces working alongside the Americans?” asked Mr. Venturini. He also pointed out that the Italian military in Afghanistan are operating within the NATO framework in training Afghan forces, which – according to most commentators – are improving, but cannot hold their ground against the Taliban without US support.

“Considering the US’s hurry to leave, the future is full of dangers for smaller contingents if nothing is in store for them. But what if NATO and Italian authorities have already foreseen something? Because their main preoccupation seems to be not disturbing the US puppet master while keeping their respective public opinions in the dark. Naturally, we hope to be proved wrong as soon as possible.”

Mr. Guerini wasted no time in answering, as his open letter appeared on the daily’s following edition. “The peace agreement between the US and the Taliban is not perfect, but it is an encouraging result. It is associated to the progressive reduction of foreign military presence, which should end in May 2021. This is a process happening in synergy with NATO, present with mission Resolute Support, whose aims remain absolutely valid,” the text read.

The minister went on to highlight how no arrangement was made between the Allies on a national basis. “The criteria for all Allied decisions, which are shared with the respective public opinions, is ‘in together, out together, adjust together’.”

He then confirmed that the 800 Italian units will remain committed to their mission in the Herat province, with the final aim of fostering an intra-Afghan reconciliatory dialogue between national forces and the Taliban movement.

“The first reduction of US forces, already initiated, has been coordinated with NATO and doesn’t affect our ability to complete the mission, while continuing to provide an adequate framework of personnel protection” stressed Mr. Guerini. “Our role requires us to continue operating together with the Allies, as to avoid losing that what has been done until now.”

“I have always reiterated to my NATO minister colleagues, especially to US Secretary of Defense [Mark] Esper, that the remodelling of the international effort must respect precise conditions: the objective reduction of violence, the strengthening of local institutions, the full respect of human and civil rights. We all agree these are indispensable assumptions.”

“We also owe it to the 54 servants of the State who have lost their lives. We owe it to those who have undergone significant sacrifices to guarantee security in Afghanistan. We owe it to the Afghan population who keeps on looking at us with faith and hope,” concluded Mr. Guerini.


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