Some news by Linee strategiche (a narrative of global complexity) Segnaliamo Rishika Chauhan da Observer Research Foundation, 17 dicembre 2014, Decoding India's stand on international sanctions. "Addressing Russian President Vladimir Putin and the media last week, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “the character of global politics and international relations is changing. However, the importance of this relationship and its unique place…
Marco Emanuele
Leggi tutti gli articoli di Marco Emanuele
Sanzioni alla Russia, boomerang per l'Italia
Some news by Linee strategiche (a narrative of global complexity) Giovanna De Maio su AffarInternazionali del 17 dicembre 2014 affronta il tema Sanzioni alla Russia, boomerang sul made in Italy. "Mentre continua la caduta libera del rublo, gli Stati Uniti approvano nuove sanzioni contro le aziende russe e nuovi aiuti all’Ucraina che colpiranno in particolare Rosoboronexport, il principale esportatore di…
Global views
Some news by Linee strategiche (a narrative of global complexity) CHINA China: Xi Jinping's Ideological Dilemma (D.S.Rajan, Eurasia Review), Chinese agriculture goes global (Loro Horta, YaleGlobal Online), FRANCE Più influente che vincente: storia del Front National in Francia e in Europa (Andrea Pirro, Limes online), INDIA - RUSSIA - USA India - Russia - US strategic pyramid (Subhash Kapila,…
Global views (evening)
Some news by Linee strategiche (a narrative of global complexity) CENTRAL ASIA - UNSC It's Time for Central Asia to Have a Voice on the UNSC (Erlan Idrissov, The Diplomat), EUROPE Perché l’Europa ha bisogno di una strategia coerente sul TTIP (Umberto Marengo, Aspenia online), Perché il cuore della UE non è funzionale – conversazione con Lucio…
Global views
Some news by Linee strategiche (a narrative of global complexity) EAST ASIA 4 Ways Conflict Could Develop in East Asia (Robert Farley, The Diplomat), EAST ASIA - USA Pivot Or Stumble: Obama's Landmark East Asia Policy Revisited (Zachary Fillingham,, IRAN NUCLEAR TALKS Iran Nuclear Talks Continue in Geneva (Ankit Panda, The Diplomat), NEPAL Will Nepal Miss Its Second Chance…
Global views
Some news by Linee strategiche (a narrative of global complexity) CHINA China and Uyghur issue: can new silk route really help ? (Rajeshwari Krishnamurthy, IPCS), DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO Massacres highlight complexity of violence in DRC's Beni Territory (Habibou Bangré, IRIN), GLOBAL Calo del prezzo del petrolio. I guardiani di 2 moschee e di milioni di barili (Stefano Silvestri,…
Global views (evening)
Some news by Linee strategiche (a narrative of global complexity) ARGENTINA Argentina: Growth at what price? (Claudia Ricca, Al Jazeera), BRAZIL The barbarism of Brazilian prisons (Alexandre Ciconello, Al Jazeera), CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC The Central African Republic’s Hidden Conflict (International Crisis Group), COLOMBIA The Day after Tomorrow: Colombia’s FARC and the End of the Conflict (International Crisis Group), GLOBAL Faster…
Stimoli dalla complessità
La realtà può esserci maestra. Noi italiani, popolo indisciplinato, fatichiamo ad imparare la lezione. E non solo il popolo, parola nobile, ma anche (e soprattutto) coloro che si credono l' élite, la parte alta, un pò come certi intellettuali che sembrano "unti dal Signore" e depositari di qualità a cui noi umani non potremmo aspirare. Ebbene, negli ultimi decenni, quando…
Global views
Some news by Linee strategiche (a narrative of global complexity) CHINA China: showcasing of army air force technological developments (Naval Jagota, IDSA), China: Forward Edge of Green Modernization (Alexander Salitzki, Strategic Culture Foundation), CHINA - VIETNAM Vietnam Launches Legal Challenge Against China’s South China Sea Claims (Prashanth Parameswaran, The Diplomat), JAPAN Japan: Electoral Landslide With an Ambiguous Mandate (Sheila…
Global views (evening)
Some news by Linee strategiche (a narrative of global complexity) EUROPE Seeking the Future of Europe in the Ancient Hanseatic League (Mark Fleming-Williams, Stratfor), Diritto comunitario. La Corte Ue boccia l’Italia sui precari (Marco Gestri, AffarInternazionali), EUROPE - RUSSIA - UKRAINE Rebalancing the EU-Russia-Ukraine gas relationship (Agata Loskot-Strachota, Georg Zachmann, Bruegel), GLOBAL Global Energy Realism (Ana Palacio,…