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Xi conferma Yi Gang. Controllare la finanza senza far scappare gli investitori

La conferma di Yi Gang a governatore della Banca Centrale mostra che la leadership politica  vuole continuare la stretta sull’economia senza spaventare gli investitori internazionali. Per farlo mantiene al loro posto, per ora, funzionari conosciuti all’estero e crea nuove commissioni di partito

A che serve Tiktok? A rimbambire l'Occidente e disinformare in Cina

La preoccupazione che l’app sia un cavallo di Troia cinese per influenzare l’Occidente è piuttosto comune. La maggior parte degli utenti sono giovani e più facili da manipolare attraverso contenuti ipnotici e senza alcun valore sociale. In Cina, invece, vengono promossi argomenti scientifici e tecnici, gestiti e censurati dal partito comunista

The end of Italy’s Belt and Road Initiative liaison? Maybe not. An exclusive document

Di Gabriele Carrer and Laura Harth

During the G7, Italian PM Draghi stated his intent to carefully examine his country’s Silk Road agreement. But was able to read a working document of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in view of his bilateral meeting with Chinese counterpart Li Keqiang, which speaks of “promoting the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding” signed in 2019. Our insight into the leak

Advanced economies less keen on China, except for Italy

“Views of China have grown more negative in recent years across many advanced economies, and unfavourable opinion has soared over the past year,” reads the introduction to the latest Pew poll over 14 countries of the global West. Perceptions of China has been falling for the past decade, but the trend has accelerated dramatically during the past year. This arguably…

pell iom paolo vi becchetti

From China to Venezuela, the discussion of Italy's and the Vatican's foreign ministers

Italian foreign policy has a long tradition of keeping in close contact with the Vatican. The two institutions often share interests and objectives, even if they go about them in different manners. This day and age make no exception. Hence, on Thursday, the Italian foreign minister Luigi Di Maio invited the Holy See’s Secretary for Relations with States, Archbishop Paul…


Belarus, caught between Moscow and the West, has a silent ally: China

Despite everything, Belarus is still the most stable country among those of the former Soviet Union. President Alexander Lukashenko, in power since 1994, has never divided power between “oligarchs” like Russian president Vladimir Putin; instead, he transferred the entire State economy system into a new political system led by himself. Mr Lukashenko enjoys a level of economic independence greater than…


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