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Game Over for Oil? Welcome to the Matrix Revolution

I thank Corrado Clini, veteran climate negotiator, former Minister for Environment  of Italy and Member of the Advisory Committee of GEIDCO for his advice in writing this article on the post-oil energy matrix. His comments and critical inputs were a great contribution.  GAME OVER FOR OIL  U.S. oil consumption is at its lowest level since 1971 when production was only about 78%…

Chi ci sarà all'Offshore Mediterranean Conference

Con l’adesione del ministro dello Sviluppo economico Carlo Calenda, (nella foto) annunciata solo qualche giorno fa, l’edizione 2017 dell’Offshore mediterranen conference – che ogni due anni riunisce a Ravenna gli Stati generali dell’oil & gas in alternanza con Alessandria in Egitto – si preannuncia di grande livello, come ha giustamente sottolineato il presidente della manifestazione, Renzo Righini. I protagonisti del…


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