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Politici, manager e banchieri al World Economic Forum. Le foto da Davos

Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman
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Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum
World Economic Forum
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World Economic Forum
Philip J. Jennings, General Secretary, UNI Global Union
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Philip J. Jennings, General Secretary, UNI Global Union
Ursula von der Leyen, Federal Minister of Defence of Germany
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Ursula von der Leyen, Federal Minister of Defence of Germany
Raheel Sharif, Chief of Army Staff (2013-2016), Pakistan
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Raheel Sharif, Chief of Army Staff (2013-2016), Pakistan
Alain Dehaze, Chief Executive Officer, Adecco Group
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Alain Dehaze, Chief Executive Officer, Adecco Group
Megan Murphy, Editor, Bloomberg Businessweek
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Megan Murphy, Editor, Bloomberg Businessweek
Steve Davis, President and Chief Executive Officer, PATH
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Steve Davis, President and Chief Executive Officer, PATH
Christophe Weber, President and Chief Executive Officer, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company
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Christophe Weber, President and Chief Executive Officer, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company
Stanley M. Bergman, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Henry Schein
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Stanley M. Bergman, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Henry Schein
Philip Campbell, Editor-in-Chief, Nature
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Philip Campbell, Editor-in-Chief, Nature
Victor L. L. Chu, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, First Eastern Investment Group
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Victor L. L. Chu, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, First Eastern Investment Group
C. Vijayakumar, President and Chief Executive Officer, HCL Technologies
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C. Vijayakumar, President and Chief Executive Officer, HCL Technologies
Luis Alberto Moreno, President, Inter-American Development Bank
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Luis Alberto Moreno, President, Inter-American Development Bank
Sania Nishtar, Founder and President, Heartfile
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Sania Nishtar, Founder and President, Heartfile
H.E. Xi Jingping
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H.E. Xi Jingping
Klaus Schwab e Xi Jinping
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Klaus Schwab e Xi Jinping
Klaus Schwab e Xi Jinping
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Klaus Schwab e Xi Jinping
Xi Jinping
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Xi Jinping
Klaus Schwab e Xi Jinping
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Klaus Schwab e Xi Jinping
Pier Carlo Padoan
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Pier Carlo Padoan
Christine Lagarde e Pier Carlo Padoan
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Christine Lagarde e Pier Carlo Padoan
Pier Carlo Padoan
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Pier Carlo Padoan
Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman
World Economic Forum
Philip J. Jennings, General Secretary, UNI Global Union
Ursula von der Leyen, Federal Minister of Defence of Germany
Raheel Sharif, Chief of Army Staff (2013-2016), Pakistan
Alain Dehaze, Chief Executive Officer, Adecco Group
Megan Murphy, Editor, Bloomberg Businessweek
Steve Davis, President and Chief Executive Officer, PATH
Christophe Weber, President and Chief Executive Officer, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company
Stanley M. Bergman, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Henry Schein
Philip Campbell, Editor-in-Chief, Nature
Victor L. L. Chu, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, First Eastern Investment Group
C. Vijayakumar, President and Chief Executive Officer, HCL Technologies
Luis Alberto Moreno, President, Inter-American Development Bank
Sania Nishtar, Founder and President, Heartfile
H.E. Xi Jingping
Klaus Schwab e Xi Jinping
Klaus Schwab e Xi Jinping
Xi Jinping
Klaus Schwab e Xi Jinping
Pier Carlo Padoan
Christine Lagarde e Pier Carlo Padoan
Pier Carlo Padoan

Ieri è iniziato a Davos, in Svizzera, l’annuale appuntamento del World Economic Forum, che richiama politici, imprenditori, economisti, protagonisti del tech e del giornalismo su scala globale. Quest’anno il tema del meeting, che terminerà il 20 gennaio, è “Responsive and responsible leadership”. Le principali aree di confronto e discussione sono rafforzamento della crescita, inclusione e sviluppo, revisione di alcuni aspetti del capitalismo e capacità di abbracciare la quarta rivoluzione industriale.

Tra i protagonisti più attesi figurano il presidente cinese Xi Jinping, data l’eccezionalità della visita, e Theresa May, dato l’arduo compito di guidare il processo di uscita del Regno Unito dall’Unione europea. Non mancheranno, poi, personalità del mondo dell’economia e dell’accademica come Rogoff, Roubini e Stiglitz.

Ma all’evento parteciperanno anche personaggi non strettamente legati al settore. Al Gore, Bill Gates ma anche Matt Damon, nei panni di co.founder di, e il direttore del Wwf Marco Lambertini, Jack Ma di Alibaba, Mary Barra di General Motors e la cantante Shakira, che è anche ambasciatrice di buona volontà per l’Unicef.

Di recente, un rapporto del World Economic Forum ha dichiarato che l’Italia è tra gli ultimi paesi avanzati per la “crescita inclusiva”, cioè capace di ridurre le disparità di reddito e favorire l’inclusione sociale. Il Bel Paese, infatti, si è piazzato solo al 27esimo posto in un elenco che conta 30 paesi. Tra le ultime postazioni figurano anche il Regno Unito (21esimo), gli Usa (23esimi) e il Giappone (24esimo). Al primo posto svetta la Norvegia, davanti a Lussemburgo, Svizzera, Islanda, Danimarca e Svezia.

(Foto di Boris Baldinger e Manuel Lopez, Imagoeconomica)


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