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Transatlantic relations and Mediterranean region stability, a stronger Italy for a safer world

The overwhelming instability which is currently affecting the Mediterranean region is a key factor to understand the evolution of transatlantic efforts on securing large areas at risk of extremism and radicalization.

Islamic State infiltration in Libya, growing threats related to migration, social instability and economic inequalities covering the entire MENA area represent a minimal part of the current challenges to be faced by US – EU diplomacy.

Even though European Countries persevere in maintaining separate strategies and no unity can be revealed in counterterrorism and intelligence activities, it is clear that more awareness and more shared commitment will be indispensable for a successful long term stabilization strategy.

A new translation of US “pivot” from the East to the West will generate sensitive challenges for Europe and Italy in particular. No direct or intensive involvement of US in overseas campaigns is, anyway, imaginable for the near future. All of this determines the necessity of promoting a new balance in the axis between Europe and the United States.

Not only for geographical reasons but also for historical heritage and inborn building relations capacity, Italy represents the natural and immediate bridge to the Southern Mediterranean and the near East.

Italy can play a key role in North Africa stabilization process thanks to the extremely positive relations with local populations, built through years of careful presence in sensitive contexts. Italian diplomacy has consolidated a precious volume of trust in local communities, contributing to create the bases of opened dialogue and common commitment on information sharing with fruitful results in Libya, Algeria, Egypt and Tunisia.

Italian industrial and commercial representatives constantly operate in extremely complex environments thanks to a high integration capacity and this determines a real time awareness aptitude, so deep to perceive what happens in terms of security.

This precious heritage of information and connections can be valorized in order to promote stability in the region, to support dialogue and information flow among all the international actors involved in the stabilization process. Italy can definitely play a fundamental role in redefining peace conditions in Libya to mitigate radicalization risk in the area.

It is clear that respectable results can be obtained on the base of a precise strategy to be implemented by international partners, starting from the United States and other EU State members.

Starting from the Libyan challenge, the enduring and consolidated bilateral relationship between Italy and United States along with a new focus on Mediterranean region could be the beginning of a renewed stabilization process, capable of determining positive results not only for the region.


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