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The indispensable Atlantic Alliance support in defending Europe’s freedom and unity

Europe is struck by instability and political weakness. A contagious uncertainty is now assuming dangerous shapes with the risk of producing serious consequences worldwide. Western Europe is in the grip of fear, stuck in an asymmetrical war against terror, dealing with lack of cohesion, blocked by new localisms and never ending divisions. Eastern Europe is turning in a battlefield, crushed by old and new conflicts, pressed by Russian neo-nationalism and permeated by Middle East diffuse destabilization. Southern Europe has to manage migration, facing the harsh effects of North Africa and Near East chaos. The entire region is under siege, overwhelmed by desegregation and by political deadlock.

Furthermore, European Union institutions experience the worst moment ever in history, unavoidably put into question by Brexit, shattered by uncountable divergences.

Everyday new threats to peace exasperate the lack of stability, determining an urgent need of a reintegration process supported by all western Countries and Atlantic Alliance.

The coup attempt in Turkey and the tragedy of Nice represent in order of time the more recent demonstrations of the critical conditions in which the region is stuck. All of this clearly demonstrates how important is this moment to understand what will happen in the near and far future. Is Europe on the brink of a new major geopolitical crisis? Is Eurasia going to be a new battlefield among opposite forces? The risk of regression is currently more possible than ever. In this complex environment a strong commitment by international partners and allies is required. As well as European Union needs to be revitalized on the bases of democracy and security. European Countries need to invest in securing populations against terrorism and related threats. More information sharing and cooperation among national intelligence agencies, more interactivity among European governments in the field of counterterrorism are indispensable. Europe needs to find its lost cohesion and unity. This is the only way to fight the invisible enemies and the darkness of extremism.

No victory will be possible without the strong support of international allies and the involvement of the Atlantic Alliance in assuring the maintenance of security, since the heart of Europe is surrounded by dangerous instability. The moment is critical, so new actions have to be taken. The future world order depends on how Europe and United States are going to face terrorism, instability, extremisms and new dangerous hegemonies.

In the track of the Warsaw Summit values, NATO has to stay as one in defense of democracy and peace in the old continent. Europe needs support in reshaping its unity and defending its values. All western Countries are called to protect Europe’s freedom.


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